Indeed sucks. LinkedIn sucks. Recruiters suck. Does it feel like you’re…

Stuck in HIRING HELL? We’ll Place the RIGHT PERSON on Your Team the FIRST TIME

Show Me How to Scale

Our proven process gets you 3 A+ candidates in 30 days. We’ll help you hire, onboard, and get back to making money – GUARANTEED

(We GUARANTEE a fit or we will REPLACE them for FREE)


We help create companies where the team is engaged, the customers are doing your marketing, and everyone is making money.

Hiring sucks and I HATE it.”

“It’s easily the WORST part about running a business…

I've interviewed so many people, half of which don't even show up for the interview.

And then I call people to say they got the job, they respond excited, get a start date, and when that date comes around they ghost.

Just call me back!

I understand if you found a better job or a closer job or whatever, just tell me.

I'm a nice person but g**damn this is wearing me out.

Maybe it’s the pandemic effect but hiring is just a nightmare. Where are all the good employees?

I've had two people ghost the start date and one person called after a week to say she got somewhere better.

It's all just frustrating and I'm sick of the hiring process.

Between reading through countless resumes, trying to schedule calls and interviews, all the no-shows and the red flags… Some days I feel like shutting the doors on this whole operation…”

Does any of this sound familiar?

• Hiring takes a LOT of time.

• 40% - 50% of people don't even show up.

• I don't want to train someone and then they leave a week or two later and have to train someone again.

• Spending time on interviews is a time suck, which means I fall behind on a LOT of other stuff.

• Turnover is expensive in time and money, so it takes 3x as long as it should to find the right person.

Hiring is harder now than it’s ever been. It’s not your fault.

Maybe it’s the pandemic effect, but if finding good employees feels next to impossible, you’re not alone.

And picking the WRONG person to hire can hurt.

The U.S. Department of Labor's estimate is simple – the average cost of a bad hiring decision can be as much as 2x - 5x their annual wage cost.

Not to mention, bringing the wrong person onboard can sink employee morale and productivity for weeks or months.

Why hiring commonly fails

• Not creating an accurate job description.

• Relying too much on the interview.

• Not having an onboarding plan

• Waiting for the perfect candidate.

• Rushing the hire.

We do things differently, because we value the same things you do. The RIGHT hire won’t just fill a role, they’ll accelerate your business forward. Because after all…

You’re not just hiring an employee. You’re bringing someone into your FAMILY.

Here’s how it works:

Jump on a brief call to let us know about your business and the role you need filled
Get a custom BENCHMARK based on 5 Behavioral Sciences + Your Businesses Unique Needs
You get the top 2 - 3 candidates, and work with us to place the right one in your business
We HELP YOU onboard your new hire and put a success plan in place

Getting it right the FIRST time

Every business owner has made bad hires, it happens.

That’s why we drag our feet when it comes time to hire again.

But NOT making a decision and making the WRONG decision are bleeding wounds.

You care deeply about your staff, which is why we don’t just throw a dozen resumes at you that some computer algorithm filtered through…

Our unique onboarding system is proven to be effective, because we’re invested in the outcome as much as you are.

And forget about job titles. We match people skills with business needs, because that’s what works.

Here’s what you’ll get:

• Your business needs analysis

• Your custom candidate search

• Custom job benchmark building

• Behavioral analysis

• Your 2 - 3 A+ candidate interviews

• “User Manuals” for employee types

• Our proven Onboarding Operating System

• Hiring and onboarding follow up

• 90 day success GUARANTEE

• And remember…

We GUARANTEE a fit or we will REPLACE them for FREE

“Ok, this sounds like just what I need but WHAT’S IT GONNA COST ME??”

That’s the best part – you get all this for LESS than what most staffing/recruiting companies charge and as mentioned it’s backed by our 90 day guarantee…


Because of the personal nature of our process and our commitment to follow up, we can only work with a limited number of clients at any given time.

Which means if you’re ready to get your time back, welcome an A+ manager onto your team, and take your business to a new level of income, DON’T WAIT!

Yes, Find Me My A+ Managers

At Transcend Growth Partners we know that you want to be confident in growing your business the right way.

The problem is hiring is time consuming and too important to delegate to someone on your staff, which leaves you feeling frustrated and stuck.

We believe you don’t need more theory but deserve actionable steps. We’ve helped hundreds of leaders like you hire, onboard, and take their company to higher levels of success.

What Others Are Saying...

“When we started scaling, I looked for someone with solutions to help take the pressure off me as CEO. It was because of Corwin that my company went from 4 clinics to 26.”
Will Humphreys
CEO Rise Rehabilitation
“We increased year over year gross profit by 12%. He helps all the key leadership team members get on the same page. We put in key metrics and his KPI Dashboard to hold team accountable. Having the outside perspective is so helpful.”
Alexis Krissay
President Serendipit
“I feel more in sync with my team than ever, we are hitting goals in a way that we haven’t ever before…”
Mike Arce
CEO Loud Rumor
“If you want to make sure your organization is aligned and set up for growth, I would tell you, you need to hire Corwin.”
Sonia Summers
CEO Beauty Barrage

Copyright 2023 © Transcend Growth Partners. All rights Reserved.

“Great vision without great people is irrelevant.”

– Jim Collins

Use The MoneyBall Method To Fill Your Company With A-Players & Win the 2023 Hiring War

  • 12+ years of A-Player hires
  • 60+ CEOs served
  • 98% hiring success rate
  • Average hire time 30 days

On this ~45 min call…

  • I’ll share details about how the MoneyBall Method can help you find & hire A-Players
  • We’ll take a look at your business & see if the MoneyBall Method would be a good fit
  • If it does look like a good fit, I’ll make you an offer
  • There is NO obligation to sign up on the call.
  • If you do decide to work with us, we’ll get you started right away (so you can hire an A-Player ASAP)
90-Day Performance Guarantee: Remember, if your first hire doesn’t work out, we’ll replace them for free.